Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Baby/Toddler {H}

Once upon a time there were two friends. They were publicly labeled as "jocks". It stuck and they took an oath to be the best jocks forever. I believe there might have even been a theme song involved.....
This is the ADORABLE son of the other jock and one of my school classmates.  This cute boy is so stinking handsome!!!

Oh my stars, this cute face made for such a fun evening!!!!!! 
He is the epitome of a little boy!!! Always on the go go go go go!!  Luckily, I snapped a few pics during the going. 

My lanta, I can't stop staring into his eyes!!!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Baby {H}

Once upon a time I was a Subway employee, working my way through college.   The Subway was connected to a gas station.  And sometimes, when things were super slow we might have played pranks on the gas station workers.

One of the victims that fell prey, more often times than not, is this cute face's mom!  Codie could always get a laugh out of me, no matter how bad of a day I was having.  Good times.  Good times.

How cute is her little blondie?!

Here are some of my favs.  Poor thing had to sit in the hot hot sun.  Good thing she is already extremely photogenic and it didn't phase her a bit.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

MORE Maxi Skirts and More

I cannot tell you what an honor it has been collaborating with one of my dear friends!
Mallory is SO ambitious and I love her energy!  She is never too quick to shoot down an idea.  
Our latest project was just a random idea that came to us when I was trying on the skirts! 

I think my end of the collaborating is done for a bit, but I wanted to show you some of my favorite shots from the three different shoots.  

Luckily, we know some beautiful people who had no problem donning a comfy skirt!





Thursday, April 18, 2013

Maxi Skirts and More!

A few months ago my dear friend Mallory started selling maxi skirts (the most comfortable item of clothing acceptable in public...its like a fancy muumuu if you will).
Luckily for her, business is booming and she just launched her website!
GO {now} and check out how unbelievably  cute {and comfortable} everything is! And she doesn't just sell maxi skirts...there is so much more!  Reasonably priced Toms anyone?!

While you are there check out KiMomentsPhotography's latest work photographing the models for these adorable skirts.  You'll know it's a KI-MOMENT when you see the new logo in the corner.

Seriously...go  buy a skirt...now.  
You will NOT be disappointed!